Hot and Humid. [8/27/2014]

Geek.Kon was just the con I was looking for to close out on the summer season. Unfortunately, Summer heard that I was excited for Fall to come into town, and decided to pummel us with high heat and even worse humidity. :( To make matters slightly worse, the insane YELLOW LIGHTS OF DEATH were still around. Making almost any picture you take, look like it came straight out of The Simpsons. However, no matter how many things piled up against us, Geek.Kon easily made us forget about all the things we couldn't control. This con always finds a special place in my heart. Plus you can never argue with the 10 minute drive from your house, just to reach the con!
-(Player 1)
-(Player 1)
SCHOOL is out! [5/20/2014]

SUMMER TIME! That's right, its finally here! And what better way to kick off the summer than with a little stop on down to ACEN! Unfortunately, being the broke college student that I am, I could only stay for a day and catch the Saturday crowd of cosplayers. Awesome job to all the cosplayers, ACEN staff (especially the elevator guards!), and the vendors.
-(Player 1)
-(Player 1)
Baby got back. [2/21/2014]

Was it just me, or did Anime Milwaukee just seem to have exploded over the past year it was away? Every place that we went seemed bigger and better, from last year. The con floor was flooded with amazing cosplayers, the game room was packed with a variety of games over several different platforms, and the vendor hall was so extensive that it expanded into the hallway! It was surely a sight to be seen.
We'd like to take time to give out some major props to all the staff, panelists, vendors, and volunteers at Anime Milwaukee. You guys busted your butts out there, and it showed. Thank you for a fantastic weekend! We cant wait to see what you have in store for us in 2015.
-(Player 1)
We'd like to take time to give out some major props to all the staff, panelists, vendors, and volunteers at Anime Milwaukee. You guys busted your butts out there, and it showed. Thank you for a fantastic weekend! We cant wait to see what you have in store for us in 2015.
-(Player 1)
14 hours with Kollision! [12/5/2013]

Sorry for the delayed update. The end of November gets pretty hectic
(I'm sure it does for a lot of people out there).
I only had one day to attend Kollision, and i'm glad I did. Kollision Con was the peaceful middle ground. There wasnt too few attendants that made it really slow, and it wasnt overly crowded enough to make you smell Con Funk around every corner. :P I had a great time, met a lot of new people, caught up with some old friends, and even got to play a small game of Cards Against Humanity!
-(Player 1)
(I'm sure it does for a lot of people out there).
I only had one day to attend Kollision, and i'm glad I did. Kollision Con was the peaceful middle ground. There wasnt too few attendants that made it really slow, and it wasnt overly crowded enough to make you smell Con Funk around every corner. :P I had a great time, met a lot of new people, caught up with some old friends, and even got to play a small game of Cards Against Humanity!
-(Player 1)
Get your game on! (10/05/2013)

I received the honor of hanging out with Whitewater's League of Legends Club to witness the LoL World Cup Finals. To the people reading this from Internet Land, I know you're jealous! It was an AMAZING time. When you combine great people, food, music, LoL matches, and two professional LoL teams beating the crap out of each other live on the big screen; its a recipe for epicness! Unfortunately, I couldn't stay the full duration of the event, but I snapped what we could. UWW LoL Club, you guys/gals rock my socks!
-(Player 1)
-(Player 1)
Convention in our own backyard (8/19/2013)

Was it just me, or did summer just blow on through? Its already hitting up the end of August! Good thing for us (and now you), we know the best way to close out another Wisconsin summer: GEEK.KON! Ladies and gentlemen, it's that time of year again, when all you amazing people come to flock to our stomping grounds to attend GEEK.KON. This is super exciting to me. Not only is Geek.Kon amazing (shout out to my 2012 Karaoke group), it also makes me proud that all the hard workers in Geek.kon can put on an amazing convention right here in my hometown. Get ready to don your robe and wizard hat, put some finesse back into throwing that d20, have your mask ready for the ball, and get ready to karaoke the night away! GEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK.KON!
-(Player 1)
-(Player 1)
Anime Midwest Flyby (7/4/2013)

Happy 4th of July to all the viewers out there today! Dont go blowing yourself up with some roadside fireworks!
This is always a very hectic time of year for me. Summer is in full swing, family events are plentiful, friends are heading off to the lake, and no matter how many times you slay the lawn monster he always respawns a couple days later. With so much on the "to do" list it's hard to find a slot open for your "just for fun" activities. It's unfortunate, but P1-P2 can only attend Anime Midwest for one day this year. So, come tomorrow, we're hitting Anime Midwest, and we're hitting it hard! Hope to see you all there, and lets knock em dead!
-(Player 1)
This is always a very hectic time of year for me. Summer is in full swing, family events are plentiful, friends are heading off to the lake, and no matter how many times you slay the lawn monster he always respawns a couple days later. With so much on the "to do" list it's hard to find a slot open for your "just for fun" activities. It's unfortunate, but P1-P2 can only attend Anime Midwest for one day this year. So, come tomorrow, we're hitting Anime Midwest, and we're hitting it hard! Hope to see you all there, and lets knock em dead!
-(Player 1)
Cosplay Overload! (5/20/2013)

I dont even know how to start this off.................We survived our very first ACEN! The weekend has passed, its time for us to return to our "normal" lives, and we get to think back to all the amazing times we had. Not to mention get a FULL nights rest. :P
This has been the hardest conventions we have ever worked. Just as soon as you're done snapping a picture, 3 more amazing cosplayers walk by , and of course go in 3 separate directions. You have to make the call, squeeze your way past the crowds, and hope that your target cosplayer isn't in a hurry to get to a panel. From the very get-go, it was hit the ground running, and keep the pace. With the flow of cosplayers coming in and out, we didn't even have time to make it to more than 3 panels. It was the perfect kind of madness we have never experienced, and we hope to experience again.
Great weekend to all you con lovers out there! Rest, recover, and we cant wait to see the next level of cosplay you guys bring.
-(Player 1)
This has been the hardest conventions we have ever worked. Just as soon as you're done snapping a picture, 3 more amazing cosplayers walk by , and of course go in 3 separate directions. You have to make the call, squeeze your way past the crowds, and hope that your target cosplayer isn't in a hurry to get to a panel. From the very get-go, it was hit the ground running, and keep the pace. With the flow of cosplayers coming in and out, we didn't even have time to make it to more than 3 panels. It was the perfect kind of madness we have never experienced, and we hope to experience again.
Great weekend to all you con lovers out there! Rest, recover, and we cant wait to see the next level of cosplay you guys bring.
-(Player 1)
Are we there yet? (4/25/2013)

We're less than a month away from ACEN and we're climbing the walls with anticipation. This always happens. The stimulation you get from going to a con, meeting a ton of cool people, watching all the colorful costumes, dancing the night away, and then BAM! The convention is over and you have to crawl back to your job/school on monday. Yeah, the con fix you have lasts for about 2 weeks........ but then you hit that wall. Your skin starts to itch, your workstation is cluttered with new cosplay ideas, and the days are being carved away on that calender your boss gave you for Christmas (worst gift ever!). Luckily, we're less than a week away from May, and that's when the true countdown begins. Stay strong out there! We're almost able to drown ourselves in pocky, socialize like there's no tomorrow, and empty our bank accounts on stuff we TOTALLY need.
-(Player 2)
-(Player 2)
Stand up, hook up, shuffle to the door. (4/18/2013)

It's official, Player 1 - Player 2 is heading to ACEN! Being the fresh photography website on the block and to be given the "Green Light" to attend such a large convention....... HUGE SIGH OF RELIEF. Its been one hell of a roller coaster ride these last couple of days. Being the small fish in a big pond can be stressful, and you try to find a way to make yourself stand out from the other guppies out there. Congrats P1-P2! You've reached Goldfish status!
P1-P2 would like to thank Sarah Leitzen in ACEN's Media Services, for being so helpful to us out as we fumbled with the application. Sarah, without you, we'd probably be in the fetal position wondering why we started a website in the first place. Cheers to Sarah, cheers to ACEN, and cheers to you cosplayers out there.
We'll see you guys at ACEN! Keep calm and cosplay on!
-(Player 1)
P1-P2 would like to thank Sarah Leitzen in ACEN's Media Services, for being so helpful to us out as we fumbled with the application. Sarah, without you, we'd probably be in the fetal position wondering why we started a website in the first place. Cheers to Sarah, cheers to ACEN, and cheers to you cosplayers out there.
We'll see you guys at ACEN! Keep calm and cosplay on!
-(Player 1)
Application for acen! (4/15/2013)

Sarah Leitzen, from ACEN has been a great help for application info and anything else we've needed for applying to ACEN. Lets just cross our fingers and hope that everything goes well.
-(Player 2)
-(Player 2)
Do or do not... (4/9/2013)

Well, we've taken that first step. Despite the fact, that I am in no way/shape/form a HTML code monkey; P1-P2 has now officially launched the website! Praise ___(insert your deity of choice)___ for Weebly's drag n' drop, combined with custom HTML script. Of course, no launch can be perfect. We're currently hammering out any small bug we run across, as well as always adding on to the website (which only causes more bugs).
Enjoy the website, hope to see you guys at the cons, and "Like" us on Facebook if you enjoy what you see.
- (Player 1)